White Amsterdam 1P

Engineered Woodend doors are produced w↔Ωith Fir, Poplar or Particle Boa↑‌λ©rd Core, then furnished with HDF, Clear✘↑≤‌ Lacquer varnished. Elegant appearance & stab↓Ω♥le construction, fire & sound€≈§ resistance, and heat insulat∞≥₽≈ion.

Design: White Amsterdam 1P
Construction: Engineered
Species: White Primed
Thickness: 35、40、44
Height: 1981、2032、2040
Width: 610、686、762、838、813
Surface Treatment: White PU Finish

Please contact us for d∞♠'δetails for other wood species, si€↕zes and designs.

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